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Tuesday 17 June 2008

The March of Confidence

After a lot of introspection, I realise that I appear to be most confident when I am absent-minded or lost in thoughts.

It was a usual morning. I was late to office. By nature, I walk fast (compared to most girls) and combined with absent mindedness, you get a very confident gal ready to break any rule on Earth.

Why I say this, is just because of my experience of marching right past the security personnel at the office gate without wearing my id and paying absolutely no heed to them calling out to me.

I snapped back to reality only when I had to swipe my ID card at the door. I realise I hadn’t worn it and it was still in my bag. Innocently, I turned and I asked my colleague, "Strange, how come the security never questioned me?" She said, "For your information, the security did question you but seeing your ‘boldness’ in just walking past them left them totally stunned." Apparently, she tried her best to keep up her pace with me.

On any other day if I was stopped by the security, I would have meekly stopped, taken out my ID and shown it to them with a sheepish smile.


Unknown said...

Awesome dear!!
This one n the two below...
Absolutely hilarious...
We were trying hard to prevent fallin off t bed....clutching hard onto tummy n laughing..
Every second line was filled with funny treat!!
Uncontrollable :D

Anush said...

ha ha ha [:)]

ya well i dnt blame the security guy. u look scary from every angle [:)]

remember? i was probably the only guy who had the guts to speak to u [:)] others maintained a safe distance [:P]

Maria John said...

Ahem...if I remember correctly it was Merlin who introduced me to you....and who are these 'others', O crazybugga?? :-D You are one of the 'others'

So you bugging everyone in college and establishing the fact you are an alien with super powers?

I wouldnt be surprised!!

Abhinav Viswambharan said...

Bu hu ha ha ha ha....

"Just another day at office for Maria."

Chehh...would have sounded perfect if you had been in Accenture instead of TCS(Totally Confusing Solutions).

Anyways, I am glad to know that you are living up to the wonderful image that you had created of yourself at our college.

It's an honor to have known you. :P

Umsy said...

I liked that girl!!! And I feel happy to know that there are absent minded people like me around!!!:) Cheers to absent minded people all over the world!!!