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Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Paavam Britney

Recently on TV, I saw Britney Spears' first music video - (Hit Me) Baby One More Time. This song was a huge hit back in 1999 and a popular video often viewed at home by me, Anto and mummy. The video reminded me of an almost forgotten memory and reminiscing on the same brought a smile on my face or rather it was more of a giggle.

It was the time Grandma used to stay with us in Cochin. That means we had a different set of ground rules set by Dad to be followed as far as television viewing in her presence was concerned. We were not to watch MTV, Channel V, VH1 or any other English channels which would alarm the elders in the house, with specific reference to Grandma. Of course, this decision was not taken in the event of any instance that had alarmed Grandma in the past; I think it was more like my parents did not want to take the risk of anything happening at all.

One day, I was quickly browsing through the ‘forbidden’ TV channels before Grandma came to the hall when I came across Britney’s music video – Baby One More Time. I watched it for a minute or two and before I realised, Grandma had come and sat in front of the TV. I immediately changed the channel to some black and white Malayalam movie. But she insisted on switching back to what I was watching. Hesitantly, I changed the channel keeping one eye on Mummy who was giving me a look of disapproval. I watched my Grandma’s expressions and reactions. As usual, there was hardly any reaction from her on watching the video. She ended up seeing the video a couple more times during that week and made it quite clear that she did not want to see anything ‘Black and White’ much to my amusement and astonishment of my parents.

By the end of the week, it looked like Grandma didn't mind watching the Britney Spears video any number of times. One day, when the video almost ended, Grandma said, "Paavam kutty aazhcha motham chaadi chaadi vaiyathe aayi!!" which means "Poor girl is tired out with all that jumping all week!!". That statement led to quite a hilarious uproar at home. Grandma and her classic statements!

Have a look at Britney towards the end of the video!! :-D


Anonymous said...

Grandmas these days are all so modern..It feels more like our parents are more restrained ;-)

Unknown said...

Dear Maria

I read and re-read some of ur keep writing dear..i can visualize u narrating all this!

love sangeetha