I am/was going through a 'Blogger's block' phase. I am still not sure whether I am out of it. This post is an attempt to get out of it. This term has been derived from the popular term - Writer's block. I had to change this post title from 'Writer's block' to 'Blogger's block' after receiving some criticism highlighting the fact that I was breaching certain technicalities of existing ideas....sigh.
For those who don't know what exactly is 'Writer's block' can have a look at this link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writer's_block
For those who don't know what exactly is 'Writer's block' can have a look at this link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Writer's_block
I hate whenever this happens and the last time this happened brought an end to my so-called poetry (which some may be quite relieved to hear or discover :-D ) and also a temporary end to my posts that tickle the bone. Is it because I am going through a very dry phase in life? Maybe, but there are lots of things happening yet I am unable to put it across in words. I also have a couple of posts as drafts, hopefully, I will publish them soon.
I don’t have much more to comment on this, just hoping that I get the inspiration and motivation to write my heart out and get to hear comments and opinions from my friends and other blogger friends.
Today was a nice Sunday, cleaned the house, had biriyani for lunch, and lazed in my room with the AC in full blast. I sit by the window and log on to my laptop to type out this post with the sunlight falling gently on my face, I feel good. (yeah...a desperate attempt...I know)
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