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Saturday, 20 March 2010

'J', 'K' and 'L' …

I guess the response is finally here to all those who have uttered the words 'Howzzatt' whenever my phone used to meet its destiny with the floor. Last weekend my phone had two terrible falls out after the first one, my phone got unconscious (switched off) and then regained consciousness a few minutes later (switched back on again). Very human, don't you think?

I heaved a sigh of relief when it got switched back on and all seemed well. Later that day, I wanted to urgently text my friend, “Busy rite now...wi ca you bac”. Wondering if some alphabets are missing?? Yep... the key on my phone for the 'J', 'K' and 'L' alphabets, number 5, etc has died.

These days I try to come up with synonyms for those words which have either 'J', 'K' or 'L' in them which is just not easy.

On many occasions, I am beginning to realise the importance of these letters....

Friend msgs: “Happy Holi....”
English Department of my Brain at work (EDB): Happy Holi.....will call up later (damn that key!!!)
My msg: Same to you!

Friend msgs: 'Have you read the book “Under the Greenwood Tree”? Finished just today...
EDB: Nope. I am now reading My Name Is Red by Orhan Pamuk (Grrr....that key...)
My msg: Nope. I am now reading My Name Is Red by Orhan ( he is my cousin or someone )

Colleague: “Hey...what's Jake's number?”
Me: “Just a minute....”. “Oh I have to start scrolling from 'I' onwards to reach J”

Me: What is Salma's number?
Friend: 3426567
Me: Great...I can't dial this number from my phone... (smoke coming out of my head)

One of my friends suggested using the capital letter I as the small letter L because they both look exactly the same. That discovery was a bit of a relief actually. Hope I am making some sense.

For a person like me whose life revolves around sending msgs to people and not calling them up, this has turned out to be a disaster of sorts. I can very well go to a mobile repair shop but I am definitely not looking forward to hearing from them, “Ma'am, why don't you think of getting a new phone?”.


Peter Rajan Amalrajan said...

Quite a cool experience. :-) All the best with getting this 'key' issue sorted out.

Anush said...

hey i tried salma's number. Why isnt it ringing? area code enna?

Anonymous said...

ha, yes i know the frustration. The scroll down button on my fone isn't working as well. It frustrating. But in a way its fun. Esp when you have too much time in your hands.

Maria John said...


I feel better seeing your comment !!

Anonymous said...

so why dont u get a new phone!?
it seems jus so much easier! :D

Orrrr if u feel guilty about ditching ur mob when its on its final crutches, then 'accidentally' drop it one last time. that should solve the problem! u'll be freeeee to get a new one!!

lemme know how it goes!! :D


Maria John said...


Salma is not interested...hehe...

Maria John said...


Now u know what to get for me on my bday...I shall drop my phone on that day after getting the gift...thanks in advance! :-D

Umsy said...

i had an LG phone earlier which fell down on several occasions....but nothing happned to it...I think they are rather sturdy devices....

bebo said...

ha..ha... :).. i was also a victim wen i wanted alreef no..which almost all nos 5 :)